This is accomplished in Document Template Admin.
To find Document Template Admin, please select Admin menu (cog on LHS menu in the old system or Super User menu in the new UX). Then select Document Template Admin.
There you will see a list of documents already available. They will be of different:
- Media
- Letter
- Text Message
- Other
- File types
- .RTF
- .HTML for formatted emails with colours and different highlights, fonts, embedded hyperlinks
- .TXT for plain text emails
- other
- Contexts
- Contact person only (name address, etc.)
- Information Request where the dates (including due date), short descriptions, subject, exemptions, department, owners and applicants and much more information may be merged in specific to that IR.
- Activity (task within an activity with a specific owner or team to respond in a department
- Breach
- Reviews and appeals
- subject lines

The scope for automation of tasks is enormous with smart mail merged correspondence available in a couple of clicks.
The documents created are also auto-attached to the Information Request. If you have AXLR8 Messagestore then incoming and outgoing emails will be stored agains the Information Request as well.
There are also fully automated emails. These are in addition to the mail merged documents. They are launched by the AXLR8 Trigaware system which are preprogrammed on events. Examples include:
- auto acknowledgement to applicants including details of their request and the due date
- alert to the team handling responses
- reminders at 10 ad 5 days befofre the due date for those esponsible
- alert when a department officer has added a File or Note to an Information Request.
Some clients have a two dozen of these set up containing information that changes with conditions.
Trigaware auto emails are explained at length elsewhere.