Request Handling Productivity

Most would agree with the following for request handling systems the productivity improvements obtainable will depend upon three things. The number of requests (SARS, complaints, enquiries, fault reports, etc. ) The time saved answering them The cost of labour/hour...

DPA Exemptions 2018 Act

Implementing two systems this month and the subject of Exemptions arises. AXLR8 have tacit permission to copy the exemptions from another authority and put them in our model system along with standard documents, bank holidays and IR Types for their jurisdiction. One...

CMS choices

I was contacted on Friday by a customer to inform me that they were changing their old webiste CMS to Drupal and could we help the migration team with the AXLR8 PDL API (the software that allows integration of their public website to the AXLR8 IRMS). That brought back...